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Showing posts with the label exercising

THIS can help you be more productive

If I were to tell you to think of things that increase productivity, what would you say? Chances are you'd mention working harder and building better time management skills. While these efforts can certainly boost productivity, I've found -- as have many others -- that music works wonders in helping me get more done in less time. You're probably wondering how music factors into increased productivity, but it's pretty simple. Whether I'm trying to get more reading done, put in a longer workout at the gym, or make a long drive more bearable, music motivates me to keep going and going. At some point, we've all gotten so into a song that we become impervious to our surroundings. Research shows that music makes us happier and keeps us engaged. It can make the difference between being in a good mood for hours on end and having a lousy, forgettable day. When reading a book, even one I find mildly interesting, there comes a point where I get tired and distra...

2 healthful things people are too lazy to do

I've observed that many people are too lazy to do two things that are greatly beneficial to our health: read and exercise . Their usual excuse tends to be that they're too tired to read or exercise when they get home from work. But the myriad benefits of these activities can't be overstated. Exercise helps you lose or maintain your weight, provided you also watch what you eat. It not only reduces the risk of heart disease, but it helps lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. Most people (including me) report feeling so much better when they exercise regularly. That's because exercise had been proven to reduce stress and anxiety and put people in a better mood. Then there's reading. It's obvious how beneficial reading can be for one's mental health. It keeps the mind busy. You learn new facts, new concepts, new vocabulary words. If you're reading non-fiction, the author's perspective can lead you to reassess your personal beliefs or opi...

BIG MISTAKE: Why people are too lazy to exercise

When I tally up how many of my friends and relatives exercise at least occasionally, it comes out to less than ten. It's more like six. Not good. Exercise is one of those things that constantly gets put on the back burner. For most people, it ranks low on the priority list, behind laundry, cleaning, dining out, and spending time with friends. What's more, people are naturally inclined to expend the least energy possible. Exercise involves some effort, and for many people it's just easier to plop down on the coach and reach for the potato chips. I'm one of those who used to find any excuse in the book not to exercise: "I'm tired" "I'd rather stay home watching TV" "I don't want to get all sweaty" "It's too late to go today" "I can always exercise later" "I don't want to deal with traffic" "Going to the gym is boring" "I already ate" "I have too much t...