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Showing posts with the label chores

Follow your passions, but be careful not to do this

Whether you love reading history books or romance novels, fishing, cooking, dancing, or playing the piano, you should immerse yourself wholeheartedly in your hobbies -- and strive to cultivate new ones. Life is too darn short NOT to do the things that enrich us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And if we can find people with whom we can share such passions, it's all for the better. It's always nice to turn to something that affords respite from the daily grind, reminding us that our days shouldn't only be filled with stress, worry, and negativity. And it doesn't have to be anything extravagant. For many people, something as simple as taking the dog for a walk at a nearby park or reading science fiction stories counts as a favorite pastime. But when we're busy with work, chores, or the kids, we can be hard-pressed to work time for hobbies into our schedules. That's when having a friend or relative who can lend a hand -- even if onl...

A trick for helping you do stuff you hate to do

Hate doing the laundry? Detest washing the dishes? Do you often put off taking the dog for a walk because you'd rather be cozy in bed watching Law and Order reruns? We've all been there. When it comes to chores and other stuff on our To Do Lists that we loathe doing, we may find ourselves procrastinating -- so much so that we may come home to find the electricity has been shut off due to unpaid bills, we barely have any clean clothes to wear, or the leak we left unattended for weeks now poses a flood risk. While we may never actually grow to like these tasks, here's a valuable tip for helping you carry them out quicker and make them more bearable: With task enhancement, you add a positive stimulus/distraction to the mix so as to give your mind something more enjoyable to focus on while you complete the task. For example, I hate doing exercise after work, but I remind myself that it goes a long way toward keeping the pounds off. If I didn't have my iPod wit...

2 things a relationship can't survive without

In order for a relationship to run smoothly, partners need to function as a team while still maintaining their distinct identities. It's a delicate balancing act many couples struggle to master. As I've stressed in recent posts, both individuals have to pull their own weight. If the same person is left doing all the chores every week -- whether it's cooking dinner, tending to the dogs, or doing the laundry -- while the other goes off to carouse with friends, how long do you think it will be before the former feels aggrieved? Chores should be divided evenly so that both parties can free up time for themselves, whether it's to go to the movies together or catch up with their buddies. (There are always exceptions, of course, as when couples agree that one will stay at home taking care of the children and the household duties.) When a couple adopts a team mentality, they essentially leave selfishness at the door. They make concessions for one another and, rather...

The most precious thing in life is this...

I've mentioned this on the blog before, but it's so important that it bears repeating. It irks me when people stress making loads of money. Sure, money can make for a better life, but it isn't the most precious commodity. What is, you ask? The most precious thing we have is our time.  While you can lose and recoup money -- say, you get a good job after blowing your hard-earned savings at the casino -- you can never get time back. Those two hours you spent watching a horrible movie that never got better? You're not getting them back. That family trip to usually-sunny Florida during which the rain never stopped? Nope, you're not getting that time back either. All that time spent with a guy who wound up living a double life? It's gone for good. You know the saying, "Choose your words carefully"?  I think an even better one would be "Use your time wisely." We don't know how long we're going to be in this world, and the years...

SHOCKING proof of how lazy we've become

A recent study found that 40% of millennials prefer not eating cereal if it means having to clean up after eating it. Such respondents say they'd rather pick up a smoothie or protein bar instead. Now, I know this doesn't apply to everyone -- some of us are very diligent about washing the dishes, even if it's the last thing we want to do in the morning or evening. (I'm that way myself.) But those who do fall into this group seem awfully spoiled or lazy, if you ask me. Seriously -- how long could it possibly take to wash a bowl thoroughly? I'd say it can be done in 10-15 seconds, if that. Technology has made things so easy for people that many just don't want to lift a finger anymore. I suppose they care more about wasting time on their smartphones than being a responsible adult. And the worst part about it is that many people don't "outgrow" this. Many of these millennials will merely rely on their partners to wash the dishes for them. And o...