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Showing posts with the label gambling

Not everyone is a risk taker

There are those who love taking risks, and then there are those, like me, who are risk-averse and like to play it safe. Taking risks could include: Having children when ambivalent (there are actually people who have thought it through carefully, as I have) Starting a business Gambling Drag racing Staying out at late hours of the night Having unprotected sex Jumping out of a plane, mountain climbing, swimming with sharks, or partaking in other adrenaline-pumping, high-risk activities Moving to a new city or country Not all of us have a high tolerance for risk. It depends largely on one's personality. I have always been one to play it safe and go by the book. Though it has certainly kept me out of trouble, I realize I can seem like a stick in the mud in some people's eyes. I've never developed an insatiable hunger for adventure like some of my friends and relatives have. But I guess that's what makes the world interesting, isn't it? We not only come...