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Showing posts with the label guilty

It's okay to disconnect from people

Sometimes we need to extricate ourselves -- even if temporarily -- from others' drama and negativity. We need to wriggle free of adversity we may be confronting at work, home, or elsewhere. Our well-being depends on it! So how exactly can we do this? It depends on whatever it is you like -- whatever it is that drives you. Perhaps nothing spells relaxation like losing yourself in a good book during your lunch break before heading back to your desk. Maybe you recharge by taking a leisurely stroll in the park after work. You may notice that you haven't taken a vacation in almost a year and yearn to get away from it all -- whether that means sunbathing in the Caribbean, skiing in the Alps, or exploring historic attractions in Washington, D.C. Or maybe a spa weekend that includes a rejuvenating massage or stress-melting sauna session is just what the doctor ordered. No one says that relaxing has to carry a big price tag. For some people, putting the phone down and ...

The moment you know a relationship is over...

You know it is time to pull the plug on a relationship when you've done everything conceivable to make your partner happy, but they fail to recognize your efforts and refuse to do their fair share. You've done everything imaginable to make the relationship work, but he or she continues to cheat, be lazy, take you for granted, or give you the cold shoulder. It's at this point you no longer feel guilty about walking away. In fact, doing so makes you feel liberated because it means you can finally pursue a relationship with someone who will invest the time and energy you do. A relationship that weighs you down -- one that leaves you feeling more dead than alive at the end of the day -- is no relationship at all. Rather, it is more like an albatross over your head that is inhibiting your growth. A good partner enhances our lives with traits that we may lack or that complement our own -- whether it's a great sense of humor, a flair for adventure, or a love of the a...

Can perfume and cologne attract the opposite sex?

I don't think we need to consult a research study to conclude with certitude that the answer to this is clearly "yes." Of course, not all perfumes are created equal. Some are so strong as to seem intrusive, and it doesn't help when people are literally bathed in it. I receive nothing but high praise when I'm wearing what I deem to be the best of the best cologne, Armani Code. My wife, meanwhile, smells great when she puts on favorites like Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana, Guilty by Gucci, and Heavenly by Victoria's Secret. It's not to say that by wearing cologne or perfume, you'll attract potential suitors like magnets. Emitting a pleasant smell is just a small part of the package you offer a potential love interest. Your hygiene, style of dress, intelligence, self-confidence, and value system and other physical and personal attributes figure prominently as well. If anything, wearing cologne shows that you care about the smell you're gi...