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Showing posts with the label dishonest

Beware of liars around you

It's safe to say that all of us lie here and there. Whoever says they never do it is, well, lying! From fibbing on our resume to sprinkling a few white lies on dates in order to make a good impression, there's no denying everyone stretches the truth at times. However, there's a certain group of people out there who lie compulsively and deliberately. They don't care what they have to say or do to get their way, and they're oblivious to others' feelings. For example, there are men who will say just about anything to get as many women in bed as possible -- whether it's showering the women with compliments that don't come from the heart, or lying about their net worth. On the flip side, there are women who deceive men into thinking they really care about them just so the men can buy them anything they wish. These people have mastered the art of lying -- so much so that it has become second nature to them. However, their deceit catches up with...

Ladies: What to do if a man only wants to sleep with you

Ladies, if a man wants you only for your body, kick him to the curb! Don't waste time and energy thinking that he'll change and that you'll be the one to facilitate it. Such men hardly ever change. Once they're players, they're players for life. If you give in, you only risk being used and getting your heart broken. Realize that many men have no qualms about swooping in, getting women invested emotionally, and then flying the coop once they have set their sights on a new conquest. Now, if you're actually looking for no-strings-attached fun -- perhaps following a rough divorce, or because you are steering clear of serious commitment at this moment --  then you can disregard the tips in this post and press on. But if you're tired of the games and are craving a deep connection with someone worthwhile, you should cut loose men who: Only want to meet up late at night  Never ask how your day is going  Never seem interested in your dreams and...

THIS proves whether you truly love your partner

Whether they've been with their partner for 6 months or 20 years, people may hit a rough patch in their relationship, causing them to question whether they're falling out of love.  Sometimes it's a matter of injecting variety and excitement into a relationship where both partners share a deep bond, but have become far too complacent for their own good. And other times they realize that their feelings, unfortunately, are no longer what they used to be, and it would be better to move on.  All one has to do to determine whether they truly love their significant other is to imagine their partner in the arms of another man or woman.  If such a thought makes their blood boil, it's likely they do love their partner. If, however, it engenders no such feelings of anger or jealousy, it's plain to see there is no love to speak of.  In addition, we ought to ask ourselves whether we can picture ourselves with a different partner. If that thought makes you sad, y...

The 5 biggest dating turn-offs

We've all been on terrible dates we have etched in our memory -- ones we wish we could undo with one snap of the fingers. When it comes to things that turn people off on dates, many people would agree that these rank pretty high on the list: 1. The person can't stop talking about themselves. They blather on about their car, job, or neighbor's cat, and you can't seem to get a word in edgewise no matter how hard you try. A person who's this self-absorbed and inconsiderate, needless to say, is not relationship material and should be weeded out. 2. They have bad manners. The first turn-off mentioned certainly falls into this camp. Beyond being a blabbermouth, the person might chew with their mouth open, look at their phone constantly, or flirt with the waiter/waitress. 3. They're argumentative. There's a fine line between putting your point across with conviction and trying to lock horns with your date just for the sake of proving you're right. 4...

1 way bad people actually benefit us

The benefits good people provide in our lives are varied and obvious. They're kind, loving, and compassionate. They teach us to be grateful for the support and generosity we receive from loved ones, especially during difficult times. Now what about bad people -- the selfish, narcissistic, dishonest, insensitive, opportunistic individuals we come across every now and then? Do they benefit us in any way? Absolutely. Like the good people, they teach us a valuable lesson: Whom not to associate with. They demonstrate the opposite qualities we should strive to develop and nurture ourselves, seek in other people, and instill in our children. They embody precisely the kind of person we should aim to avoid because, rather than enhance our lives like the good people do, they diminish them with their pride, self-absorption, and callousness. Granted, nobody's perfect. We all exhibit shades of selfishness here and there. We all fib on occasion. But some people take it to a who...

When someone shows their TRUE colors...

When someone shows you their true colors, never try to paint a different picture. Many of us like giving others the benefit of the doubt. We see the glass as half full. We're optimists by nature rather than cynics. We like to see the best in people even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately, having such a romantic view of human nature doesn't always pay off. Looking at someone through rose-colored glasses even when they've shown themselves to be unreliable, dishonest, manipulative, or opportunistic, can come back to bite us in a bad way. We've all been in situations where people -- friends, relatives, significant others -- have wronged us. We accept what we construe as their heartfelt apology and forgive them, steadfast in our belief that they won't do it again. Then, they do it again. And again. And again. I can't help but repeat that trite expression you've likely heard a million times by now: "Fool me once -- shame o...

Be careful with your words and actions

You can be forgiven for your words or actions, but chances are they won't be forgotten. I have forgiven people -- friends, ex-girlfriends, and the like -- who have done me wrong. In fact, I have stayed in close contact with most of them to this day. However, their hurtful words and actions remain firmly etched in memory, ready to be brought to bear should these individuals insist they've never let me down before. I try not to pull the plug on relationships I've invested a great deal of time and energy into. We all know that making new friends, especially as we get older, is no easy task. However, I become much more guarded thereafter, ensuring that they never again exploit my kind and giving nature for personal gain. I try to choose my words very carefully -- and act accordingly-- so that I won't later have to issue an apology. However, if I were to say or do something that results in hurt feelings, I most certainly would expect them to look at me with a cau...

Selfishness: The ultimate character flaw

If there's one trait that blemishes a person's character like no other, it would arguably be selfishness . I come across people every day -- at work, in the gym, at the grocery store -- who exude a palpable air of selfishness. You can just tell they put themselves before everyone else; they're constantly looking out for their best interest, even if they have to step on others' toes or rip them apart in the process. I'm sure you've met many a person who falls under this category. Here are a few words that typically describe selfish people: Manipulative Scheming Opportunistic Calculating Insensitive Self-centered Self-absorbed Greedy Contemptuous  Difficult Egotistical Stubborn  Dishonest Selfish people can be quite unpleasant to be around, especially when they can't manipulate you to get their way. They also tend to be quite unreliable, expecting you to be at their beck and call but refusing to be there for you when you need them. ...

Is your personality like Trump's or Hillary's?

If you were asked whether your personality was more like that of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, who would you pick? Chances are, if you're stubborn, assertive, unpredictable, love the spotlight, and have a tendency to say things without thinking them through first, you'll likely say Trump. If you're more reserved, predictable, averse to the spotlight, bookish, and given to researching things before making an argument, you'll probably select Hillary. I'm not saying one style is necessarily better than the other. We all have different temperaments, and if we're happy with them, why try to change? I find my personality most closely mirrors Hillary Clinton's. Some would say I have a very scholarly way of looking at the world. I tend to be very thorough, organized, and detail-oriented. I always do my research before a job interview or meeting, making sure to learn (and sometimes memorize) as much information as I can. I usually stick to the facts and ...

Lying benefits no one

As tempting as it may be to lie (even when it's those seemingly innocuous white ones), it is always best to refrain from doing so. As soon as someone catches you in a lie, or vice-versa, it raises red flags, let alone a bunch of questions. However serious the lie, the act constitutes a breach of trust.  You begin to ask yourself things like: Why couldn't the person just be sincere? Is he or she a chronic liar? What happens if more serious lies are on the horizon (e.g. cheating, stealing money, etc.) It's better to be forthright with someone than lie and later see it blow up in your face. For example, let's say you accidentally bump into your wife's parked car while you're pulling out of the driveway. Your wife comes back from a business trip and notices a huge dent on her bumper. (Assume it left no visible damage on your car.)  You could be dishonest and say you have no clue as to how it happened. But once your wife puts 2 and 2 together, she ...