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Showing posts with the label confidence

Tips for getting through those tough days

Sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit for all we've accomplished up to this point. What's more, we lack confidence in our ability to achieve goals and meet future challenges. But this should not be the case. While venturing into the unknown can be daunting, you must never underestimate your capacity to weather change and hardship -- whether it be a layoff, an unexpected health condition, or a relationship setback. Sure, getting back on your feet might not happen overnight. But rest assured that if you press on -- not allowing anything or anyone to stop you -- you shall prevail. Indeed, life rewards us for our mettle and perseverance, for our refusal to throw in the towel when all hope seems lost. Even our darkest days aren't eternal. Eventually, the sun comes up again, and we rise stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. You're more powerful than you realize. Do whatever it is you need to do to regain your footing, whether pr...

The ironic thing about self-absorbed people

Want to know the most ironic thing about those who are full of themselves? It's that people who are full of themselves are mostly empty on the inside.  If someone is heavily preoccupied with themselves, it can only mean that they're aiming to compensate for something they perceive as lacking. They can't quite put a finger on what's missing, so what do they do? Spend hundreds of dollars and countless hours on clothing, makeup, cars, and the like. So what might these people be trying to compensate for? It could include: Low self-esteem A sagging level of confidence Loneliness Feeling as though their life lacks direction  It's no surprise that many people who were perceived as bad boys/girls in their younger years later admit that they were the farthest thing away from tough and confident.  They simply rebelled as a way of channeling the discontent they felt about and in their lives. Let us make a clear distinction between confidence and co...

Can being too nice make you less attractive?

It's a question that many men and women perceived as "nice" -- ones who have struck out repeatedly in the dating market -- have been scratching their heads over for what seems like, well, centuries. Can being too nice make you less attractive to dating prospects? As with anything else, there's no simple answer, and a bevy of factors have to be considered. For starters, "too nice" for one person can mean something entirely different to someone else, just like we all have different opinions on what counts as too sweet or salty when eating different foods. In general, though, a person may be regarded as too nice if they exhibit one or more of the following behaviors: Being highly agreeable  Being a complete pushover by never standing up for oneself  Attempting to buy someone's affections by heaping them with gifts and compliments they probably don't deserve, at least not so early in the game  Trying to avoid disagreements at all costs L...

Here's why looking on the bright side is crucial

Whether you're nervous about a presentation you're slated to make before investors, worried about lab results following a doctor's visit, or freaking out about a blind date you have coming up, does it benefit you in any way to think the very worst? Absolutely not! As soon as a situation presents itself that forces us out of our comfort zone, for many of us a sense of pessimism kicks in immediately. We assume we're going to bomb the presentation. We convince ourselves the lab results will reveal something serious. We anticipate the date will be a total disaster. Seeing the glass as half empty erodes our confidence and can even do a number on our self-esteem. It's normal to feel a little anxiety in such situations, but getting extremely worked up won't help matters at all. Instead, we need to force ourselves to consider alternative -- and decidedly positive -- scenarios. Who says things can't things go smoothly? Chances are you've been in...

Why being scared to speak up hurts relationships

If there's something we can almost universally agree upon, it's that no one wants a pushover for a partner. Some people, especially at the outset of the relationship, believe that if they give their partner all they want and never once object to anything they say or do, the relationship will be stronger in the end. They fear that if they voice their true feelings and concerns, their partner will get upset and possibly dump them. If one is that fearful of communicating openly with their significant other, they may have self-esteem and/or confidence issues to work through. Why be intimidated by your partner? You should feel at ease to let him or her know when something rubs you the wrong way -- just as they should. If your partner has a history of throwing fits whenever you express disagreement, it speaks to their character and should lead you to question whether you can reasonably remain in a relationship with someone so combustible. As long as you drive your argum...

Never stoop to others' level

Never stoop to the level of people who are mean and unkind. Instead, be the better person. Exhibit the kind of behavior they ought to emulate. Be a role model. Never give these people the satisfaction of behaving just like them. Don't lash out and seek out revenge, which is precisely the reaction they're trying to elicit in you. Remember, misery loves company, so they'll strike at nothing to have their bad mood/attitude rub off on you. Keep smiling. Keep enjoying your life. Show them that their rotten ways will never rain on your parade. Hopefully, they'll soon come to their senses and realize how childish they're being. And do not blame yourself for others' behavior. It's their problem, not yours. Chances are, they are battling deep-seated feelings of insecurity and trying to take it out on others. When someone's self-esteem is in the gutter, it can drive them to do and say things they later come to regret. Try to remain calm and stron...

Why you should kick fake people out of your life

Ugh... fake people . We all have a couple of them in our midst -- perhaps at work, in school, or via Facebook. They wear different masks depending on the situation and context. They change  their attitudes, opinions, and stories whenever they know it will benefit them. They'll do and say just about anything to look good in front of others. And they can't be trusted . The moment you tell them something in confidence, they turn around and spill the beans. They'll step on your toes just to get ahead. They'll pretend to be your friends, then throw you under the bus when you're not around. They're backstabbing opportunists . They'll post a barrage of Facebook updates in which they gloat about their vacations, meals, cars, and jewelry. They pretend to have the perfect life in an attempt to make others jealous. Little do these fake people know that there are some highly perceptive individuals out there who can see right through their little charad...

If your plans fail, do this...

If your plans fail, change the plans -- not the goal. Far too many people give up when their initial strategy or approach doesn't immediately bear fruit. Ever heard the saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"? Sometimes it's all a matter of fine-tuning your approach. For example, if a baseball player is in an awful slump, he won't give up on his goal of getting hits and driving in runs. In such cases, the batter will merely change his approach at the plate. It might take a while before he finds something that works, but at least he's working toward breaking out of the dry spell. Rather than trying to swing for the fences each and every time, he may decide to go back to basics and focus on making contact. Once he's regained his confidence at the plate, he's bound to hit homers and provide a jolt to the offense. If you want to achieve something badly enough, you won't just abandon your goa...

Men's BIGGEST complaint about women is...

The biggest complaint men seem to have about women is that, when it comes to relationships, " they don't know what the heck they want .'' Many of these hapless guys say they do everything to gain women's favor -- buy them flowers and candy, send them romantic texts, call them every so often to see how they're doing -- but it still lands them in the friend zone. Still others say they can't understand why women go for the jerks they claim to loathe. It is true that what many women say they want -- and what they actually go for -- aren't always in alignment. Here's what I've observed: Most women don't go looking for jerks who will mistreat them. No one wishes to be treated like dirt -- unless, of course, they harbor low self-esteem and feel they deserve that. But that is the exception rather than the rule. No, what most women want is confidence . Though they may not say it directly, women really do want the man to be in charge, whet...

Should you date mysterious people?

Mysterious people exude a certain allure when you first get to know them. They keep us on our feet. They keep us guessing. They keep us yearning to learn more about them. I know this firsthand -- not only because I dated a couple of mysterious girls, but several I've met over the years have cited "mystique" as one of my most magnetic qualities. Being mysterious can certainly work to one's advantage during the courtship stage, especially if the object of your affection is very attractive and used to having people fawn over him or her. However, once things get more serious, it can be detrimental to a budding relationship. If one still seems mysterious after, say, five or six dates, it comes off as them hiding something, or shows an inability to open up. Naturally, most people would find such reticence a little off-putting, especially if they see the other person as being long-term material. I would let my guard down as soon as I felt comfortable enough with ...

Confidence means THIS

Being confident doesn't mean you think you're above anyone or everyone else -- that would actually define pomposity or conceit. Instead, it describes a person who knows others dislike or are opposed to something about them -- whether their looks, beliefs, or overall lifestyle -- and they're okay with it. No matter how much you try prodding them to change, they remain immovable. Here are a couple of examples of ways people are pressured to change: (1) They're pushed to smoke or drink (2) They're pushed to lose their virginity (if they remain a virgin into their 30s and 40s)  (3) They're pushed to be less quiet/more sociable (4) They're pushed to dress differently (5) They're pushed to date certain people (6) They're pushed into getting married and having children (7) They're pushed into certain careers. The second you begin catering to others' whims, you turn your back on all the things that make you you. At that point, you're liv...

Trick to boosting your confidence

Many people may not realize that what we wear plays an integral role in how confident we feel. Haven't you worn a shirt or pair of jeans that fits your body just right and makes you look and feel good?  Perhaps other factors add to its appeal, like an eye-catching design. I surely feel my confidence bolstered when I put on a nice suit, as do many of my male friends. Even though I'm not a top executive, it certainly makes me feel like it. When I meet with top-level managers during job interviews, being in a suit makes me feel as if I'm at their level. Studies have shown that people who are told to wear uniforms of people in a position of authority (e.g. cop) gradually begin to take on the qualities of such individuals. For example, they might become more bossy, impatient, and distrustful. We needn't cross the line, though. I can't stand it when people let their getup go to their heads, making them cocky and obnoxious. No one wants to hear you boast for hour...

So sick of Trump! Who's with me?

I am so sick and tired of this blowhard. This egomaniac. This pathological liar. And it has nothing to do with his positions on the issues that matter most to the American people, from the economy to foreign affairs, which he fails to elaborate on regardless. I've just grown weary of seeing and hearing him every time I tune into Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and virtually every other news outlet. These stations are having a field day with this guy. They're ostensibly willing to give him all the exposure he craves in return for a ratings boost. He's nothing short of ubiquitous. They mention him on everything from awards shows like The Oscars to Saturday Night Live. And more likely than not, you've heard someone at work or at the local grocery store chatting about Trump. If we're sick of him now, the thought of seeing him in the Oval Office for four long years no doubt sends chills down our spine. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've never seen the medi...

Do women value looks less than men?

Judging from what my female friends have told me -- and based on the guys I have seen them and other women on the street go out with -- I can say with confidence that women are generally less hung up on looks than their male counterparts. We've all seen the blonde bombshell alongside the balding older guy with a beer belly. Why is it usually not the other way around -- a super attractive guy with a not-so-physically-appealing woman? Maybe it's that, on some subconscious level, men are pickier as far as what genes they want transferred to their offspring. If the girl is, say, overweight, he might figure that increases the odds of his kid having weight problems. Men also seem far more interested in specific regions of the opposite gender's anatomy, not to mention size (big breasts, round butt, etc.) I don't think this way myself. In fact, my wife is somewhat overweight, which doesn't bother me because I have always had a preference for women with more meat on th...