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Showing posts with the label giving

What people do to you when you don't set clear boundaries

Do you get multiple requests from people daily, whether from coworkers or friends? Does it necessitate dropping what you're doing and tending to their needs? Do you find yourself unable to keep up with such demands? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, read on for some important tips that may very well turn your life around for the better. How you probably got here   I can venture a guess as to what's keeping you locked in this vicious cycle: You find it difficult -- if not impossible -- to say NO.  Let's face it: The vast majority of us are kind-hearted folks with an inclination to help others. The problem is that the more we say YES, the more people will come to expect it. This, in turn, creates fertile ground for being taken advantage of.  So what exactly does being taken advantage of mean? Well, it signals that your wants, needs, and feelings are being entirely ignored in service of pleasing someone else. Your time doesn't matter. Any poten...

Here's a little joy for you on Thanksgiving

In an unprecedented year marred by constant tumult -- a raging pandemic, widespread business and school closures/layoffs, a battered economy, racial strife, a bitter election -- it's nice to disconnect from it all and take a moment to give thanks for the people who enrich our lives, even if we may not be able to celebrate the holiday with some of them in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions.  I'd like to wish you and yours a happy, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving.  Thanks for giving up some of your time over the course of the week/month to read, share, and comment on my posts. You guys rock, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.  There's a reason I aim for variety in my choice of content/messaging. It's my hope that the more sobering posts offer comfort and valuable tips to those going through tough times, and that the lighthearted ones -- from silly puns to funny memes -- elicit laughs at a time of great uncertainty.  Our lives may be far from perfect, but we still...

People who truly care about you do THIS...

When someone truly cares about you, they look for reasons to talk to and be with you rather than excuses not to . Ever heard the saying, "If there's a will, there's a way"? Someone's effort -- or lack thereof -- is a reflection of their interest in you. Time is our most precious commodity in that it's the only thing we can't get back once it's gone. That being said, if a person chooses not carve out any of that time for you, what they're essentially saying is, "You're not worth my time." They may insist they really do care about you and want to see you, but they just "don't have the time." Then, a day or so later, they might post pictures of themselves with other people on Facebook, gushing about the great time they're having. A person's actions always reveal their truest, innermost feelings. Don't believe what people tell you until they've backed those words with their deeds. If they really ...

Only in America does this happen...

I saw a meme on Facebook the other day that read as such: "Black Friday: Because only in America do we wait in line and trample others for sale items one day after giving thanks for what we already have." This is spot on. Isn't it ironic how many of the same people who give a heartfelt prayer at the dinner table on Thanksgiving are the ones jostling with other shoppers for bargains at the mall that night or the next day? It's nice to see a growing number of retail establishments closing for Thanksgiving so that their employees can spend the holiday with their families. But that list remains far too short as many stores still look to cash in on the frenzy by getting Black Friday underway on Thursday night. Many shoppers are ready to throw money at virtually anything that has "SALE" or "50% OFF" slapped on the sales tag. To be fair, some of the deals to be had really are phenomenal. But cutting Thanksgiving night short to schlep to the stor...

Why people let us down

How many times have you relied on someone for help or a favor, only to be left in the lurch? Granted, there are some people out there who are truly dependable; maybe it's a parent, a sibling you grew up with, or a best friend. But let's face it -- such people are in the minority. The fact of the matter is that most people are only out for themselves. Even when it comes to doing a favor for someone, they're cognizant of what they can get out of the relationship. Very rarely do people act for purely unselfish reasons. You might be thinking that this is a very cynical outlook on life, but it's the truth. Even my closest friends have let me down on several occasions by taking a course of action that was more beneficial to them -- at my expense. The saying, "You can't get everything you want in life" is especially valid when you're dealing with people. At the end of the day, self-gain is the driving force behind most people's decisions. If g...

You WON'T believe what this tipsy guy did...

What would you do if you worked as a waitress at a restaurant and received a $1,000 tip one day? Would you think it was a mistake and try to track down the person who left the exorbitant sum? Or would you pocket the money and go about your business? Skye Seumptewa found herself in such a conundrum when she opened the ticket book left by a customer and noticed it contained more than $1,000. She assumed right out of the gate that he'd made a blunder, and her suspicions were confirmed when the individual returned the next day to get his money back. The man was eating at Thailicious, a restaurant in Edgewater, Colorado. The story goes that he ordered a meal and a few glasses of wine at the bar. Shortly after he made his way out of the restaurant, Seumptewa noticed the wad of bills left inside. Some of the restaurant employees got excited, recalling stories of people who have left generous tips at restaurants. Even so, it seemed a tad too generous; the employees agreed that the ...

One interesting thing I've noticed about people

I've noticed that people generally good at practicing reciprocity -- the act of giving back the same treatment that someone has given you, whether it's good or bad. If you give someone a gift for his birthday, he'll likely give you one once your birthday rolls around. If you give him nothing, it's probably best not to expect anything in return. Very rarely do people give without first getting something themselves. More often that not, acts of kindness are rooted in those that came prior. It's a "you do, I do" dynamic. It's almost like playing tag. The same goes for negative behavior. If someone does something to upset you, your first instinct is to do the same to them. In reality, though, the best relationships are those where you do someone nice for someone else and expect nothing in return . They'll felt a sense of duty to return the favor, though, because we don't want to create the perception that we're unappreciative or taking...