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Showing posts with the label consistency

How much uncertainty can you tolerate?

Are you the type of person who:  feels uneasy at not knowing exactly what's expected of you when starting a new job?  has to have things planned weeks in advance?  generally shirks spontaneity?  likes to eat the same foods every day?  likes doing the same things at the same time every day?  likes taking the same route to and from work every day?  generally avoids unfamiliar situations? If this sounds like you, you have a high level of uncertainty intolerance (also called ambiguity intolerance) . If, however, you prefer to live a bit more on the edge and can't help but change things up every so often -- whether it's your wardrobe, job, or partner, you likely have a low level of uncertainty intolerance. Those who avoid ambiguity generally prefer a structured, cut-and-dried lifestyle, while people who embrace it tend to like taking risks and thrive in fluid situations.  I think most of us find ourselves somewhere in the middle, th...