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Showing posts with the label kiss

A HUGE mistake people make on the first date

We all have experience making a gaffe or two on a first date. Maybe we've arrived late, accidentally tripped, hesitated when asked a personal question, or inadvertently burped. While these are all unintentional slips, some people make a far more damaging mistake -- one that precludes the possibility of a second date. If there's something that can send your date running for the hills in no time, it's moving too fast.  Here are just a few examples of ways that someone can overdo it on a first date: Getting touchy Trying to plant a kiss too quickly Mentioning meeting each other's friends and parents Discussing long-term plans, like becoming exclusive and getting married People have to remember that this is a first date! Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy yourself without getting all wrapped up in the serious stuff so soon.  You will cross that bridge once you get there, provided that the two of you are compatible and wish to continue seeing eac...

When you feel like telling people to GET A ROOM...

I don't know about you, but I get annoyed when couples engage in too much PDA (public displays of affection). Whether it's excessive hugging or profuse kissing, it makes me want to shout, "Hey, get a room already!" I've seen this so many times at malls and movie theaters, with said couples often in their teens. It's as if they become oblivious to their environment, not letting anything get in the way of their groping or tongue-wrestling. What's worse, sometimes they reach for each other's butts and other private areas. I blame this, in part, on the parents. There's no reason these kids should be out that late in the first place. I recently learned that a mall near me is implementing a "curfew" policy where those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult after 9 p.m. I think every mall across the county should follow suit. Excessive PDA is disrespectful and inappropriate. It sends the wrong message to other people who may...

Some women find making out GROSS

Google "making out gross" and you'll find a plethora of websites and message boards in which hordes of women echo that very sentiment. Here are a couple of comments made by women who find french kissing all but revolting: "I am not a fan of prolonged kissing sessions/making out. It doesn't do much for me when it's with someone I like, and it repulses me if I am not very into the person." "I very infrequently enjoy making out. I'm no germophobe, but the thought of someone's warm, wet salivary secretions being pushed into my mouth and back into their mouth over and over again is just nasty." "My nose is almost always blocked so I can't really breathe when I make out...Also...It's a little boring? Like just sitting there making out? Ehn..." "I have a slight issue with people being up in my face for too long. It makes me start to panic. So yeah, prolonged kissing can be an issue." Interesting, huh? ...