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Showing posts with the label better life

Focus on these people for a better life...

In life, you must always remember to focus on the right people . Whom do I refer to when I say "the right people"? Those who inspire you , of course. Whether it's a parent who raised you all by herself, a teacher who taught you a valuable lesson or two, or an important figure in history whose contributions have resonated deeply with you, these are the kinds of individuals who deserve a permanent place in our thoughts. On the other hand, we must resist the urge to ruminate on people who engender in us a sense of negativity that's hard to shake off -- the ones who bring us down the very second we think of them. That may include an obnoxious boss, a jaded ex who can't take no for an answer, or a friend who only reaches out to you when she needs you. Your mind is cluttered enough as it is. Why waste whatever mental real estate you have available on people who simply aren't worthy of your thoughts? They sure as hell aren't thinking of you, so why shou...

Stripper refuses paid sex...but it gets better

After a stripper refused paid sex at a strip club in Florida, the unsatisfied customer demanded that she be arrested. I won't bore you with the details, but he paid her $300 expecting far more than she was willing to give. When she made it clear she wasn't going to budge, he demanded his money back, but the stripper refused to give in. A police officer eventually stepped in, and the customer finally stormed off thereafter. It's really a shame how so many women have to resort to such a lifestyle in order to pay the bills. My friends took me to a strip club for my bachelor party two years ago. Frankly, I felt uncomfortable the whole time I was there, and I felt especially bad for the strippers. The looks on their faces clearly conveyed that they didn't want to be there. They likely feel ashamed having to throw themselves at the beer-guzzling patrons day in and day out. Why they remain there is anyone's guess, but I hope that these women see and are aiming toward...

CAN'T MISS: This will improve YOUR life

From unending chores and attention-seeking children to stressful jobs that squeeze every last drop of energy out of us, our lives seem to get busier by the day. Not only does this place an immense burden on us physically and emotionally, but it is also mentally exhausting, often inducing anxiety, poor eating habits, low libido, sleep deprivation, and frayed relationships with those closest to us. Though certainly not a panacea, making a conscious effort to simplify your life will help you feel more in control of it. What’s more, it’ll keep those nerves in check! So what are some ways that you can keep your life simple? For one, if you’re contemplating having a boatload of kids – say, five or six –  you can rest assured that a plethora of sleepless nights are in your future. Why not just aim for one or two and go from there?  You get the opportunity to experience the joys (and headaches) of parenthood without feeling as though you’ll be changi...