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Showing posts with the label bodies

An important note to women about men and attraction

I was raised by my mom, grandma, and two older sisters.  Growing up, never did I ever take any interest in the girls at school who tended toward exposing more skin. I always treated them as I would my female family members -- with the utmost courtesy and respect.  And anytime I suspected that a male friend or acquaintance of mine adopted a hump-and-dump attitude toward women, I nixed them from my life. I held men who treated women as objects in very low regard, and still do to this day. If women feel empowered to show off their bodies because they love and work hard on their physique, more power to them. In other words, if they're doing it to please THEMSELVES and no one else, good for them.  However, those who do it specifically to curry men's favor are making a big mistake. It sends the wrong signals and actually makes it less likely that a man will want to stick around for a committed relationship (if that's what you want as anyway).  Granted, if you're not lookin...

Ladies: Do you like tattoos on men?

Some women find them sexy. Others find them rather appalling. Two of my female friends have told me they don't like the thought of a guy putting anything on his body that he won't be able to undo or take off later on. Think about how many guys tattoo the name of their girlfriend on their arm or back, only to see that relationship fall through the drain shortly thereafter. Women in this camp further contend that they just want a man's body to look as clean as can be. In fact, many insist that they even keep their body hair at a manageable level. Other women are more accepting of and receptive to tattoos, as long as they're not too obtrusive. For example, some don't mind that a man have a tattoo as long as it's small and not in plain view. They'd also prefer that the tattoo stand for something meaningful -- say, a religious symbol -- than something outlandish like a skull or dragon. Others in this group are less finicky and would be swell with any and all ...