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Showing posts with the label beneficial

Why people let us down

How many times have you relied on someone for help or a favor, only to be left in the lurch? Granted, there are some people out there who are truly dependable; maybe it's a parent, a sibling you grew up with, or a best friend. But let's face it -- such people are in the minority. The fact of the matter is that most people are only out for themselves. Even when it comes to doing a favor for someone, they're cognizant of what they can get out of the relationship. Very rarely do people act for purely unselfish reasons. You might be thinking that this is a very cynical outlook on life, but it's the truth. Even my closest friends have let me down on several occasions by taking a course of action that was more beneficial to them -- at my expense. The saying, "You can't get everything you want in life" is especially valid when you're dealing with people. At the end of the day, self-gain is the driving force behind most people's decisions. If g...