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Showing posts with the label women subtle

Men are usually terrible at reading women's signals

Let's face it: Most men haven't a clue whether a woman is interested in him or not. What's particularly irksome is when a guy makes eye contact with a woman and takes that to mean that she is interested in him. To those guys I pose this question: If you're a heterosexual male who happens to make eye contact with another male, would you say that the guy is interested in you? No, right? So why assume that a woman is? When something comes into your vision sight that you may not be looking at directly -- whether it be a bird, car, or UFO -- you won't be able to pinpoint what it is until you turn your head and look, right? So why can't guys reason that you both made eye contact for that very reason? What's more, many guys (including some of my friends) assume that if an attractive woman so much as talks to him, she must be digging him. I think many males' testosterone levels go bonkers when they get any sort of attention from a woman. That exciting ru...