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Showing posts with the label insanity

Fight for what you want

Whether you desire a career in journalism, a trip to China, or a relationship with a wonderful man, your dreams are never out of reach. As long as you work hard and never cease believing in yourself, you can achieve anything you aspire to. Rest assured, on the road to success, you will experience setbacks along the way that'll test your mettle. The key is never allowing such challenges to faze you. When you want something badly enough, nothing or no one can get in your way. Unfortunately, our own negative thinking is often the single biggest obstacle we're up against. For example, you might feel tempted to throw in the towel because: You're hard up on cash. You've applied for several promising jobs and seem to fall short each time. You've had bad luck with a string of recent dates, convincing you that you'll never find true love. Instead of calling it quits, why not use such struggles to drive you to work harder? Maybe you need to get somet...

Why you shouldn't give up on finding love

If you're like many jaded people out there in the dating world, you've just about had it in your quest to find true love. You've lost track of the seemingly innumerable men or women you've gone on fruitless dates with. A prospect seems promising enough in the beginning, but it all comes crashing down following an unsettling discovery -- she's been cheating on you all along, he isn't the thoughtful romantic that drew you in during the courtship and instead just wants to get in your pants, she's an unapologetic gold digger. You've grown tired of it all: the lies, the false appearances, the heartache, endless disappointment. As tempting as it may be to throw in the towel, you'll never find that special someone -- however elusive -- if you give up. Instead, take some time to assess your love life and answer the following questions: What do you feel you've done right?  What do you think you've done wrong?  In which areas is there room...

If your plans fail, do this...

If your plans fail, change the plans -- not the goal. Far too many people give up when their initial strategy or approach doesn't immediately bear fruit. Ever heard the saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"? Sometimes it's all a matter of fine-tuning your approach. For example, if a baseball player is in an awful slump, he won't give up on his goal of getting hits and driving in runs. In such cases, the batter will merely change his approach at the plate. It might take a while before he finds something that works, but at least he's working toward breaking out of the dry spell. Rather than trying to swing for the fences each and every time, he may decide to go back to basics and focus on making contact. Once he's regained his confidence at the plate, he's bound to hit homers and provide a jolt to the offense. If you want to achieve something badly enough, you won't just abandon your goa...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today I'd like to share a quote from John Wooden (1910-2010), an American basketball player and coach: "Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be." - John Wooden This reminds of another quote that is often bounced around in work and school settings: "To be insane is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result." To be successful in life, you have to be receptive to change -- there's no way around it. I started college as an accounting major and excelled greatly at it. About halfway into the program, though, I realized accounting wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, so I switched to a major that not only afforded me the opportunity to be more creative, but harnessed my passion for the written word and made use of my writing and editing skills: marketing.  I now have ample marketing communications/copywriting experience under my belt. But making the switch wasn't easy. I had my sights set on accoun...