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Showing posts with the label leap of faith

Overthinking leads to THIS

Is thinking too much a bad thing? Not when it concerns studying for a big exam, working on an intellectually grueling project at work, or playing brain games like Scrabble and Jeopardy. But it can serve as a hindrance when it comes to making decisions.  Carefully thinking through your choices is one thing. Spending so much time mulling things over as to not make any kind of decision is another. Overthinking breeds inaction. You can't put off decisions that involve your personal and professional forever.  Any action is better than inaction. And choosing not to act isn't a decision.  I'll be the first to admit that making a life-altering decision is anything but simple.  Switching jobs, getting married to someone we've only known for weeks, moving to another city -- these are all leaps of faith, and we really don't know whether such decisions will pan out.  Because of the risk involved, it's no surprise people balk. They think, th...