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Showing posts with the label good deeds

The bad things people do to us...

...eventually find their way back to them. And the same goes for good deeds. In other words, what comes around goes around. Let me give you an example. Five years ago, I decided I had outgrown my job at a travel start-up and began applying for other opportunities. Eventually, I received a great job offer from my current company, a large corporation also in the travel sector. I gave my boss my two weeks' notice, and everything seemed okay -- as far as I could see, he took it very well. But on my last day, things took a decidedly different turn. Instead of getting a warm sendoff (as most employees do when they're leaving a company where they've worked for some time and built good relationships), my boss treated me as if I were getting fired. Out of nowhere, he told me to grab my stuff, leave everything as is, and exit through the front door. I wasn't permitted to say goodbye to anyone. He escorted me to the parking lot, where he said it wasn't personal...

Why helping others makes us happier

This morning, I was saddened to read about the death of a man, Lenny B. Robinson, who would dress up as Batman to cheer up kids with life-threatening illnesses in various Maryland hospitals. He drove around in a Batmobile (among the many cars he owned was a black Lamborghini sporting the Batman symbol) and spent thousands of dollars on his costume and memorabilia. Now, he is being mourned by family and fans around the world as a real-life hero. I came across a comment to the article that included this quote: "What you do for yourself dies with you. What you do for others lives on." It reminds me of a line uttered by Katie Holmes' character in, ironically enough, "Batman Begins," starring Christian Bale: "It's not what you are underneath -- it's what you do that defines you."   These kinds of quotes stand in contrast to the feel-good ones we hear that center around being happy with yourself, not caring what others think of you, and so ...