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Showing posts with the label ups and downs

The definition of a true relationship is...

A real relationship is, plain and simple, one in which two imperfect people refuse to give up on one another. Let's face it: If one expects a flawless partner -- let alone a perfect relationship -- they're sure to have a rude awakening. If there's one thing we can all attest to, it's that relationships have their ups and downs. Sometimes partners will do things to test each other's patience and loyalty. Some may come to the brink of calling it quits. But if two people genuinely love each other, they'll do all they can to find common ground. They won't always agree on the best way to tackle a problem, but they'll each make some concessions so that each party feels as though their voice is being heard. A relationship will undoubtedly falter if both people are always out to get the upper hand. Relationships are about navigating challenges together so you can grow stronger together. But seeking to prove the other wrong or catch him or her red...

THIS is the real meaning of a relationship

Many people seem rather confused as to the definition of a relationship. No, it isn't when two soulmates come together. It isn't about having another person "complete" your life. Such definitions are far too simplistic, ignoring the hard truth that -- as with everything else -- relationships take work and have their downsides. A true relationship is one between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on one another.  I would go so far as to say that you can't call it a relationship until both people have been through ups and downs together. In reality, you don't know a person as well as you think you might until you've seen them in a trying situation. At the first sign of trouble, some people bail cravenly -- without warning. And relationships aren't all about hugs, kisses, and butterflies. That may be so in the very beginning, during the so-called honeymoon stage, but eventually the relationship matures and both people have to face the mu...

Do you live most in the past, present, or future?

Obviously, we live in all of these at different moments. Whether we're past-, present, or future-oriented depends largely on how we're feeling at a given point in time. For example, when something good happens, we tend to become very focused on the present and on the fruits that the favorable circumstance will bear in the future. If we're feeling a little blue about our current prospects, we may start thinking back to a time when things were going more smoothly in our lives. The more optimistic among us, however, might look forward to brighter days ahead. Many people say harping on the past isn't healthy, and I agree -- a line has to be drawn somewhere. But only by considering history -- our prior successes and failures, our earlier ups and downs -- can we can guide our behavior toward the ends we seek in the present and future. In other words, you need to examine the past in order to build on your triumphs and prevent making the same mistake twice (or more time...