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Showing posts with the label material goods

Why people are dissatisfied with their lives

By now, you may have picked up on a common refrain across many of my posts: That happiness lies in the present, which is why we should aim to live in the here and now. Sadly, however, many people live only for a better tomorrow. Then, when tomorrow comes, their focus is still on the future.  There's nothing wrong with being forward-looking and continually aiming to achieve goals. But unless one takes time every now and then to appreciate the present -- to come up for air and smell the roses, so to speak -- they will always find themselves in a state of yearning rather than contentment. For example, some people have an insatiable appetite for acquiring material goods, whether they be clothes, shoes, gadgets, and cars. No sooner do they get their hands on one than they already set their sights on their next conquest. They may leave the item collecting dust, rendering it obsolete in a few years. In essence, they're all about the chase. Once what they want is in their...

Here's how to savor your life MORE

Life is inevitably short. That's why we should aim to derive as much happiness from it as we can! Hug a little tighter. Smile a little longer. Enjoy that cup of coffee to the last drop. Delight your palate with delectable foods. Let the warm sunshine melt your worries away. Allow the cool breeze to lull you to sleep.  Take pleasure in the simple things in life. Don't get caught up in the acquisition of material goods. The sheer elation of owning a new product is only ephemeral.  Instead, focus on experiences. Whether it's traveling to Poland or enjoying a relaxing jaunt or picnic with your partner at the park across the street, experiences at least leave us with deep, abiding memories. Quit telling yourself that you'll do these things sometime in the future. Stop putting off for tomorrow what you can be doing today.  There comes a point where we need a change of pace or scenery -- a break from the daily humdrum. It's not merely a matter of getti...

This WILL change your perspective on life

Life is hard. No one disputes that. Some of us go through moments in our lives that greatly test our patience, resolve, and even our faith. But for all the challenges we face, there are people in the world who have it a lot worse. I always try to keep this in mind whenever I feel the urge to issue a complaint. Below I've written a series of unfavorable scenarios we often find ourselves in and the kind of thoughts that should come to mind to help us appreciate our blessings. When you feel tempted to complain about horrible traffic (which I often have since moving, as my commute has grown considerably longer and more frustrating), consider this: There are people who don't have enough money to buy a car, so they have to brave the elements and do all their traveling by foot, via bus, or a combination thereof. Walking from place to place isn't always safe, especially if done at night, and buses can be full of shady characters.  When you feel tempted to complain about s...