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Showing posts with the label paths

Here's a different way to look at envy

Have you ever sensed -- based on the way someone treats or talks about you -- that they're green with envy? You're not alone. Here's what I believe envy to be, even though it differs slightly from the definition found in the dictionary. Envy is a veiled form of admiration.  It's when someone realizes you possess something -- whether it be a physical object or intangible attribute -- that they perceive as lacking in their own life. Maybe they wish they had a position as high up the corporate ladder as yours, a partner as attractive as your spouse, or a temperament to match your calm and collected demeanor. Sadly, these people don't realize we all face unenviable battles of some kind -- from personal illnesses to financial hardship -- about which we may remain tight-lipped. Why would you envy someone else anyway? Just because they have a lot of money, for example, doesn't mean they're truly happy beneath the surface. If they have to work...

This happens to even the strongest friendships

Let's assume you've been friends with Katie since kindergarten. Even as innocuous six year olds, you knew you'd be each other's maid of honor. While time often makes many friendships grow weaker, the two of you remained almost inseparable through college. Then, gradually, you begin to have sporadic arguments with each other, sometimes over the silliest things. As relationships and shifting responsibilities chart different paths for you both in your adult life, you start to grow apart. Once touting yourself as sisters from a different mother, you're now mere acquaintances who may connect via text on special or solemn occasions, like birthdays or the death of a loved one. Is the scenario described above all that atypical? Sadly, the answer is no. You've likely experienced it at some point with a friend you have held in high esteem for many years. While many friendships can bounce back, they may never go back to the way they once were. But that ...