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Showing posts with the label condoms

The number of people having sex right now...

Have you ever stopped and wondered this? Considering there are 7 billion people on this planet, one can only imagine that millions of people are doing the deed at any given moment. That translates to a lot of occupied bedrooms, hotel rooms, and motel rooms, not to mention a plethora of condoms! Whether people are merely having casual sex or trying to make a baby while married is a different matter altogether. It's also likely that sex activity spikes during certain occasions and circumstances, whether it's New Year's Eve or when a hurricane or blizzard strikes a city. And to think that among those millions of people could be people you know, including friends, neighbors, and co-workers. How many people do you estimate are having sex at this very moment?

The nastiest things found in hotel rooms are...

If you've never seen the show "Hotel Impossible" on the Travel Channel, I highly recommend it. Each episode stars hotel expert Anthony Melchiorri, who visits a boutique hotel or motel in dire need of his expertise. Whether the property desperately needs to turn its finances around or requires major renovations to attract more guests, Anthony is a hotel doctor of sorts upon which the hotel owners rely to save their business. The show is definitely entertaining. You wouldn't believe all the things Melchiorri has discovered while combing over the properties: Dust Needles Condoms/condom wrappers Bed bugs Mold Bees  Worn out/broken furniture and appliances Semen/blood stains on chairs and beds I'm at a hotel as we speak. Thankfully, I haven't found anything too ghastly on this trip or any prior vacations I've taken. Just yesterday, I noticed a few clothing tags strewn on the rug. I also spotted some hair on the bed and stains on the curtains.  ...

What would you do if... were told that you had to rid yourself of all your possessions (excluding food, drink, water, medicine, clothing, and other essentials) -- except for only one . Which one item would you keep? Remember, we're talking about things that would be considered non-essentials -- wants rather than needs. You could only stay with one. I'll break the ice. As hard as it would be to kiss my beloved books goodbye, I think I would choose either my cell phone or laptop. Keeping one not only ensures I have the means to contact others, but I can use either the phone or laptop to avail of free Wi-Fi at a nearby Starbucks or McDonald's. Such gadgets also offer great entertainment value in the sense you can use them to play games and listen to music. As if that weren't enough, they have more practical applications, e.g., you can create Word documents on them. I realize there's no easy answer here. For example, men would have to forego things like porn and condoms; wom...

Buying condoms online can be just as embarrassing

Per a paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Consumer Psychology titled ""Wetting the Bed at Twenty-One: Embarrassment as a Private Emotion," people can feel just as embarrassed buying sensitive products in person as they would online. This seems to go against common knowledge, doesn't it? You'd think that people would feel less sheepish buying condoms, home test kits, tampons, and Viagra privately and online, but the study finds that not to be the case. Apparently, the mere act of purchasing the item causes consumers to judge themselves. When the purchase is made at the store, we can at least walk out and remove ourselves from the very context in which the "act" was committed. While the study found that the negative feelings associated with in-store purchases gradually dissipated, the intensity of embarrassment felt when buying the products online did not lessen. If you think about it, embarrassment is a powerful emotion. It's potent en...