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Showing posts with the label handicapped

This WILL change your perspective on life

Life is hard. No one disputes that. Some of us go through moments in our lives that greatly test our patience, resolve, and even our faith. But for all the challenges we face, there are people in the world who have it a lot worse. I always try to keep this in mind whenever I feel the urge to issue a complaint. Below I've written a series of unfavorable scenarios we often find ourselves in and the kind of thoughts that should come to mind to help us appreciate our blessings. When you feel tempted to complain about horrible traffic (which I often have since moving, as my commute has grown considerably longer and more frustrating), consider this: There are people who don't have enough money to buy a car, so they have to brave the elements and do all their traveling by foot, via bus, or a combination thereof. Walking from place to place isn't always safe, especially if done at night, and buses can be full of shady characters.  When you feel tempted to complain about s...