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Showing posts with the label sacrifice

Relationships don't die of natural causes

Relationships don't die a natural death. Their demise is brought on by selfishness, lies, neglect, and a lack of compassion and consideration toward one's partner.  In some relationships, only one partner is responsible for causing a rift, and in others, both partners are to blame. Unfortunately, some people expect their partner to do all the heavy lifting, leaving the other physically, mentally, and emotionally drained and effectively running the relationship into the ground.  If people don't want to do their fair share, why enter into a relationship at all? A relationship is a partnership between two individuals. Both of them invest in, maintain, and enhance the relationship so that each feels they're not just reaping benefits, but dispensing them to the other as well. In most cases, both partners put in comparable effort in the early stages of dating as they're getting to know one another.  It's when complacency begins to set in ...

Why it's okay to be selfish sometimes

You may have read the title of the post and immediately retorted, "No, selfishness is wrong. Giving to and being there for others is what life should be about." I don't disagree with the latter statement. Whether it's helping an elderly woman cross the street or giving money to a homeless man, a small gesture that brightens one's day can be far more gratifying than, say, pampering yourself with material junk you may never even get around to using. But I would challenge the notion that being selfish sometimes is wrong. Yes, being selfish all the time is beyond the pale, especially if you have people (spouse, children, etc.) who greatly depend on you. But let's face it: Everyone is selfish , albeit in varying degrees. And it's not limited to spending money on themselves. Some people are selfish when it comes to their time. They want to do things according to their schedule, and there's little room for compromise. Still others want to call t...

Make more moves and fewer announcements

So said a graphic that I happened upon today on Facebook. It caught my attention because I already do just that: Rather than boasting of my plans and accomplishments to others -- whether on Facebook or elsewhere -- I let my work do the talking for me. For starters, I've never been one to disclose every morsel of information about my life, much less brag about my achievements. Sometimes people get so caught up telling others about what they've accomplished -- say, losing 10 pounds while dieting -- that they forget they're far from done. Once they get the praise and validation they're after, they become complacent and are unable to regain their momentum. It's not to say that everyone who does this is a show-off. As human beings, we seek positive reinforcement in virtually everything we do. But, like everything else, it can be taken a step too far. People don't have to know everything about us. We can have a goal in mind without having to tell the wor...

Start on your goals today, NOT tomorrow

If you're dead set on achieving something -- whether it's to lose weight, get a promotion, or find a partner -- putting it off until tomorrow won't get you any closer to your goal. Start today! Waiting until tomorrow -- or next week, or next month -- only increases the likelihood that you won't get around to achieving that goal. Either that, or your heart and mind truly aren't as invested in it as you may think. Procrastination is anathema to progress and results. Why not begin working toward achieving your goal sooner than later? The earlier you start, the quicker to the finish line, and the less of a load you'll have to worry about later on. For example, let's say part of your diet includes hitting the gym three times a week. If you schedule your workouts for the early part of the week -- say, Monday through Thursday -- that leaves the weekend for other items on your to-do list, from bills to laundry. Human beings are especially reluctant to do thi...

Life is what YOU make of it

Life is really what you make of it. You get out of life what you put in -- plain and simple. If you want to accomplish a goal, only you can propel yourself forward to make it happen. Sure, certain people might lend a helping hand along the way, but they can only do so much. You are the master of your destiny. No one says the path ahead is ever an easy one. In fact, overcoming onerous stumbling blocks is part and parcel of the journey. Whether you're looking to find a job that utilizes your God-given talents or a partner with whom you have great chemistry, your object of desire won't merely fall on your lap. It takes planning, hard work, sacrifice, and, sometimes, a little luck, to get what you want in life. We should remain receptive to opportunities that may come our way, yes, but that doesn't mean we should refrain from seeking them out. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have....