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Showing posts with the label simpler

How to know if you're settling for LESS

The expression "settling for less" gets thrown around quite loosely, but what many people fail to realize is that it is entirely subjective. One's idea of settling less may not jibe with someone else's. While you may perfectly content with a GUESS purse, your gaudy friend may feel you're settling for less unless you opt for a more luxurious brand, like Coach or Louis Vuitton. Or, while you're happy to hook up with average-looking but highly intelligent guys, your sister may insist that you're settling for less unless you set your sights on guys who are a "9" or better in the appearance department. Furthermore, you may be told you can do better if you are not the CEO of your company, but what if you're happy having a less taxing, lower-paying job if it means spending more quality time with friends and family? This type of thinking is seriously misguided. The fact is that people have different tastes and disparate desires. Some of...

Who makes better friends: men or women?

I know this is another one of those things I write about that is largely subjective. However, you'd be surprised at the number of women I've met who've admitted to preferring men to women when it comes to friendships. These women say that they prefer making friends with men because guys are more rational and far less dramatic. Women like to fuss over the smallest details, they say, while men are simpler and easier to please. Below are some observations I've made, and I want to preface this by saying that they are general observations. I know all men and women are different. It's true that women generally gossip more than men. I've especially found this to be the case in the workplace.  Women get more easily excited or worked up over things that most men might find to be trivial (e.g. who is attending the holiday party, the hideous shirt that someone in Accounting wore yesterday, something that a neighbor's friend bought recently, etc.)  Women tend t...