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Showing posts with the label desire

MUST READ: One thing that's certain about your life

If there's one thing that's certain about your life, it's that it isn't perfect . Don't fret. Neither is mine. Neither is anyone else's. And that's precisely the beauty of it all. Not having everything we want makes us appreciate what we have even more . Think about it: If we had everything we could possibly desire, wouldn't that make life, well, a tad boring? There's no such thing as the perfect job . There will always be something or someone at work that isn't to our liking. If our jobs were perfect, they'd be called a hobby. But in order to keep food on the table and a roof over our head, we have to make some concessions. There's no such thing as the perfect partner.   Just as we say "batteries included" for many of the items we buy, you can rest assured that your partner comes with "flaws included." There's no such thing as a perfect human being. We have no choice but to take the good with the bad if ...

An interesting thought about love...

Isn't it ironic how there are so many people in relationships with partners they don't really love, and so many single folks who are dying to be in relationships with people they do love -- but can't? Let's break both scenarios down. In the first case, people might be involved with people they don't love for several reasons: They're with them for their money  They were on the rebound after their last relationship ended in failure  They don't want to be alone  They have no other options at the moment They're trying to please their parents and/or friends For purely physical reasons  And here are some reasons why a person may love someone, but can't be romantically involved with them: He or she is already taken The person doesn't have the nerve to ask them out or try to take the friendship to the next level They don't want to jeopardize the friendship they already have The individual doesn't feel he or she is ...

Caring less means more power

I'm sure you've heard this saying before: The person who cares the least in and about a relationship has more power. To a certain extent, I think this is true. People are good at perceiving when someone else is heavily reliant on them physically and emotionally. When you're overly clingy with a friend or partner, it tends to drive the person away. But why? It goes back to what I've stated countless times in various blog posts. We like the chase. We want what we can't have. We tend to take for granted what's too readily available. It's as if we become so accustomed to the other person that we begin to take them for granted. We put less effort into the relationship because we're convinced doing so won't have any negative consequences. We're confident the person will remain attached at our hip no matter what we say or do. But life has a funny way of turning the tables on us. Once the person realizes that they're being taken advanta...

What does this quote mean to you?

Happy Friday, y'all!  I wanted to get everyone's day off to a good start with the quote below. What does it mean to you? "The starting point of all achievement is desire." - Napoleon Hill To me, this quote is awfully simple. Hill is saying that you can't be successful in life unless you're truly passionate about whatever it is you decide to venture into, whether for work or leisure. This is precisely why I advise people against going into a field solely on the basis of money. Yes, making good coin is important, but money holds your interest only up to a certain point. If you're not intensely passionate about your work, you'll feel as though you're merely spinning your wheels for a paycheck. But this applies to everything from starting a business and losing weight to buying the right house and jumping out of an airplane. We all have goals we want to accomplish, some more arduous than others. Desire is the fuel that keeps us going in the fa...