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Showing posts with the label 21st century

THIS never goes away completely

Worrying never goes away completely, but it's on us to keep our concerns over the future at bay. Teens worry about what college will bring, especially if they plan to go out of state. Seniors worry over their will and making arrangements for when it's their time to go. Expectant parents are nervous about whether they'll be able to handle parenthood. Recently laid off employees feel angst over whether they have enough money to provide for their family while looking to snag another job. Our relationships, dreams, fears, goals-- not to mention the stage of life we find ourselves in -- each play a role in shaping the very worries that plague our minds. While it's imperative we keep our concerns under control so as to mitigate the anxiety that undoubtedly ensues, worries -- and a little pressure, for that matter -- aren't always bad. In fact, they may propel us to resolve problems and strive to achieve goals we might otherwise not pay much attention to....

THIS can help you be more productive

If I were to tell you to think of things that increase productivity, what would you say? Chances are you'd mention working harder and building better time management skills. While these efforts can certainly boost productivity, I've found -- as have many others -- that music works wonders in helping me get more done in less time. You're probably wondering how music factors into increased productivity, but it's pretty simple. Whether I'm trying to get more reading done, put in a longer workout at the gym, or make a long drive more bearable, music motivates me to keep going and going. At some point, we've all gotten so into a song that we become impervious to our surroundings. Research shows that music makes us happier and keeps us engaged. It can make the difference between being in a good mood for hours on end and having a lousy, forgettable day. When reading a book, even one I find mildly interesting, there comes a point where I get tired and distra...

People are shopping like CRAZY for this...

Guess what's in style again? That's right -- shopping. CNN Money reports that retail sales rose 1.3% in April compared to the prior month -- the largest monthly gain in over a year and a promising sign that the U.S. economy is improving after a disappointing first quarter. But people aren't opening their wallets and swiping their credit cards for everything. Right now, beauty products, sporting goods, cars, and eating out at restaurants is the rage. Clothes and electronics, on the other hand, aren't as popular this spring. Investors fear that buyers just aren't excited about new clothing and accessories. Consumers also have a clear preference for shopping online, as evidenced by Amazon, whose stock hit a record high this week above $700 a share. Traditional big box stores like Macy's, whose stock tumbled 18% this week, are in dire straits. Some economists say that people shouldn't read into the bump in sales too much. They say the gains in April sa...

A new day to be thankful for

After being off from work three days last week -- including Thursday and Friday -- I felt the urge to complain about having to go back to the office today. I stopped myself just in time, though, and I'm glad I did. I reminded myself that there are many people out there -- whether sick, disabled, or unemployed -- who would do anything to be in my shoes. And how about all the people who've passed away and wish they could be working if it meant they could be alive and breathing? It's so easy to take life for granted and complain about the smallest things. I thank God for all my blessings, from my ability to see and hear to my family to having full use of both legs. I know many people out there are in worse shape, and I only pray that things get better for them sooner than later. I try to do whatever I can to help out, whether that's holding a door or donating money to charity. Life isn't perfect, but it could be a lot worse. The next time you feel the impul...

Many men are purposely choosing THIS kind of woman..

I have noticed that a couple of guys I know have deliberately set out to find a particular kind of woman: one who's disadvantaged in some way. This can take many forms, including women who: Are broke Don't know English Come from humble beginnings (poor, not educated, etc.) Are vulnerable because of problems they're going through, like divorce or unemployment Recently immigrated to the U.S. and need help assimilating, getting their affairs in order, etc. Now, I'm not saying that these men aren't well-intentioned. They claim to love these women, and some of them have gone on to marry and have kids with them.  Here's what disturbs me: They admit they like the fact that the women are disadvantaged because it means they'll always have to rely on them for support. It empowers them. It makes these guys feel like they're in the driver's seat -- in full control. In fact, some of them insist that the women remain housewives, just so that the m...