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Showing posts with the label foods

We're eating healthy, but still buying junk food

According to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management published in the  Journal of Retailing , even health-conscious consumers continue to buy some less-healthy foods. The study found that despite the fact that consumers are concerned about healthy eating, junk food still winds up in their shopping carts. What people say they want to eat and what they actually buy aren't always in agreement. As the researchers point out, consumers make tradeoffs on healthy and unhealthy food to varying degrees. The researchers analyzed two years' worth of scanner data across more than 70 stores of a U.S. retailer as well as survey responses from 400 of the chain's shoppers to determine if consumers consciously balanced their health concerns with their actual food purchases. The study divided consumers into three groups using a mathematical model based on their concerns and attitudes: the first group consisted of health-driven shoppers, the second took a mor...

IMPORTANT grocery shopping tip to save you money

Here's some food for thought: To my dismay, when I go to the grocery store, I often see people grab products nearest them -- the ones placed at the very front of each shelf -- without thinking twice about it. Whether due to laziness or just plain ignorance, they are putting in their carts items that are potentially nearing expiration. Grocery chains follow the "first in, first out rule." They obviously want to get rid of older inventory first, so they make those more prominent so that consumers are more likely to get them. Newer goods, on the other hand, are placed toward the back of the shelf. Many people arrange their items similarly at home so that they lessen the chances of items going bad. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. As consumers, we want the most bang for our buck, and that means buying the freshest items with the longest shelf lives. Whether you're buying milk, bread, or other perishable foods, you'll want to reach for it...

CAN'T MISS: Keys to a Healthy Life

I grabbed this from a picture someone posted on Facebook. It shows things we should/shouldn't do and consume more/less of if we are to live a truly healthy lifestyle. After reading the text, all I could say is "so true," and I'm sure you'd concur. It certainly makes for a nice list of potential New Year's resolutions for many of us: Less soda, more water Less alcohol, more tea Less sugar, more fruits Less meat, more vegetables  Less sitting/driving, more walking/exercising  Less worry, more sleep Less anger, more laughter Fewer words, more action Everything that follows "more" is known to contribute to a healthier life. For example, sleep is certainly essential to one's well-being. Without sufficient rest, one can't think clearly, adversely affecting their work, social interactions, and even their self-confidence. What's more, people who laugh and exercise more typically live longer lives, as many studies point out.  ...