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Showing posts with the label Passive

2 things a relationship can't survive without

In order for a relationship to run smoothly, partners need to function as a team while still maintaining their distinct identities. It's a delicate balancing act many couples struggle to master. As I've stressed in recent posts, both individuals have to pull their own weight. If the same person is left doing all the chores every week -- whether it's cooking dinner, tending to the dogs, or doing the laundry -- while the other goes off to carouse with friends, how long do you think it will be before the former feels aggrieved? Chores should be divided evenly so that both parties can free up time for themselves, whether it's to go to the movies together or catch up with their buddies. (There are always exceptions, of course, as when couples agree that one will stay at home taking care of the children and the household duties.) When a couple adopts a team mentality, they essentially leave selfishness at the door. They make concessions for one another and, rather...

Is being passive a bad thing?

I think it can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. For example, if you saw your child or pet about to get hit by a car, that would not be the right time to remain passive. Indeed, certain situations warrant quick action. I tend to remain passive when I am indifferent to whatever is happening around me. For example, some of my coworkers get all worked up over the smallest things, like finding out there are no cups left in the cafeteria, or upon discovering that the holiday lunch will take place at Friday's rather than Chili's. Those kinds of things elicit no reaction in me because, frankly, I don't find them to be a big deal. I think people who react that way to inconsequential events might be given names like "drama queen" or "chit chatter." I run away from such people like the plague. Can't people strive to be a little deeper? If I don't consider something worth gushing over, I'm going to keep my emotions in check -- a...