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Showing posts with the label upbringing

How to Understand Rude People

When did you last come across a rude individual? Was it at the office? While getting the mail? In the elevator on the way to your dentist appointment? It happens to the best of us. There's a preponderance of rude folks in the world, and there's little we can do about it. We do, however, exert control over how we respond to the ones in our orbit.  To be fair, we ourselves can be rude to others as times. We're only human. The key is for the person to recognize the offensive behavior, apologize, and prevent displaying such behavior in the future to the best of their ability.  Some people are, well, naturally rude. It's as if a day that goes by where they don't exhibit rudeness raises alarm. It could just be in their genes, it may be a product of their environment/upbringing, or a melding of the two. I speak of the folks who cut others off on the road, don't hold the door for those behind them, and lambast their co-workers.  In some cases, they may just be having a ...

Why do some women refuse to initiate sex?

Some of my male friends have posed this question to me countless times. The truth is, I share their plight. My wife, whom I've been with for over 10 years now, has never been one to initiate sex. Like my frustrated buddies, I found myself perplexed over the issue for many years. Eventually, I came to grips with the fact that no two women are built the same, especially when it concerns sex. There are a host of reasons as to why some women remain pursuees rather than pursuers. For one, some women have lower sex drives than others and find themselves unable to keep up with their partner's demands. Second, their disinterest in inititating sex may stem from their upbringing. Girls are taught from an early age that they should neither fawn over a man nor be too sexually forward. It is ingrained in these women that showing sexual interest is a man's job. They tend to keep their sexual desires under wraps lest they be labeled sluts or whores. While society gives men a pat on ...

Variety or routine -- which leads to a happier life?

They say variety is the spice of life, but for some people, routine reigns supreme in their lives. Does variety necessarily mean that you have a better life than the next guy? Like everything else in life, what makes a good life is largely subjective. Some people thrive on spontaneity while others like eating the same foods and taking the same route home every day. Neither is necessarily better than the other. A bevy of factors account for these differing ways to live our lives, like genetics, upbringing, and personality. And it's entirely possible that you could prefer one style at one stage of your life and the other at a different juncture. I would venture to say that most people tend to like variety and spontaneity when they're younger and routine in their later years. I am a creature of habit and keep my day quite organized and structured. Know those people who like to prepare to do lists and write everything down in an agenda? That's me. That doesn't mean I ...