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What's up with women walking around half naked?

As mentioned in a post submitted last week, I attended a concert with my wife on Thursday night. I couldn't help but notice that a large number of women in attendance were, shall we say, scantily clad. My wife herself pointed out that many went to the concert sans bra. We even spotted a girl in a dress so tight her boobs looked like they were about to pop out, as well as another who was literally lap dancing on the guy who was with her, presumably her boyfriend or husband. I got the sense that a lot of these women are no strangers to concerts, let alone the dressing habits of those who attend them. It seems they know what to expect when they get there, so they dress accordingly. Mind you, this concert featured a lot of dance music, so, if asked, most of them would probably say they wanted to go in something "comfortable." Still, there were women on hand dressed far more conservatively. I wonder if being around so many provocatively-dressed women made them feel a...

And you thought you had seen it all...

If there's something I love to do, it's to go to concerts. I actually went to one last night and had a whale of a time. Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels this way, and opportunistic individuals looking to make good money have taken notice. I read an article this morning stating that concertgoers have taken to eBay to sell sealed plastic bags containing air collected at the venue during the concert! I assumed that it had to be some kind of joke, but upon deeper research, it became clear this was no hoax. In fact, some of these air-containing bags are going for hundreds -- if not thousands, and people are actually placing bids! You're probably wondering how someone would even know for sure whether the air was really collected at the time of the event, or just done at, say, that person's house. I raised the same question, but I can only surmise that there's a way to certify the air as being authentic. Perhaps the seller photographs himself or her...

These people are annoying, aren't they?

I'm talking about butt kissers. Brown nosers. People who use flattery to curry favor. Sadly, it tends to be the primary weapon in the arsenal of people who want: A promotion at work To get laid  Someone to do him or her a favor And, oddly enough, this strategy tends to work! But that doesn't mean I am going to use it -- not today, not any day.  There's a saying that says, "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."  If not complimenting a person's hair or dress every day makes me a bad guy, then so be it. I am nice and friendly, yes, but kissing ass is not in my repertoire -- nor will it ever be. This seems to be most rampant in the workplace, where people kiss up to the big wigs like there's no tomorrow.  If you're going to give someone a compliment, don't do it unless it's entirely genuine. And if you sense someone's compliments toward you are disingenuous, your gut is probably on point...

UNEXPECTED: This actually hurts relationships

Know how they say that too much of something tends to be bad? Well, that applies to relationships in myriad ways. But the one I'd like to discuss in this post is spending too much time together. Many people think that the more time you spend with someone the better, and that spending time apart can seriously weaken a relationship. The truth of the matter is that either extreme isn't healthful. When you spend too much time together, you leave yourselves with little to talk about. Things become routine -- you find yourselves going to the same restaurants and conversing about the same things. Spending a lot of time together works at the beginning of a friendship or relationship because you're both getting to know each other. Everything seems new and exciting, and the hours just seem to fly by. But once the relationship has matured and you've grown accustomed to each other's quirks, spending too much time together can begin to be detrimental. The things tha...

Men care about looks, women care about this...

While men become preoccupied with women's looks, many women make men's resources one of the top items on their wish list -- despite the fact that many of them may deny this. It's no secret that most men make considerably more money than their female counterparts in the workplace. What's more, women were hit especially hard by the recession, with some still struggling to land positions that pay as well as the jobs they lost during the downturn. Two of my closest friends are in relationships with women who aren't nearly as well off as them. But I see this quite frequently with women at work -- it's their husbands who seem to be retiring first, and, yes -- the men are older. There may be instances where the woman in the relationship just doesn't want to work hard and figures she can just lean on her guy, the more ambitious of the two, for financial support. Nevertheless, a woman who says she doesn't care at all about a man's resources is likely ...

Why do many moms post only baby stuff online?

Over the past few years, I've noticed how moms have been using sites like Facebook as their own personal baby albums. Granted, it's their page, and they have every right to post whatever content strikes their fancy. The issue is that some women take to these platforms to post pictures and/or videos of their children on a daily basis. As a result, I find my Facebook Wall inundated with baby-related content, sometimes for days on end. I suppose that many of these women are stay-at -home moms whose lives revolve around their kids and thus they use social media as convenient outlets through they can connect with other moms. I don't mind the occasional baby picture or video, but these moms go a little overboard. I can only see so many photos of something or someone before I get bored. If I had a child and my wife were doing the same thing, I would advise her to tone it down a bit. Let's be honest: With exception to children of family members, most people don'...

SHOCKING: Kanye West Running for President?

In case you didn't watch the MTV Video Music Awards last night, I'm here to fill you in on something Kanye West said that has both the entertainment and political arenas -- not to mention Facebook and Twitter -- buzzing. The hip hop artist and producer -- otherwise known as Kim Kardashian's husband -- declared his intent to run for the presidency in 2020. Now, I don't know if this is yet another publicity stunt in the same vein as the ones the Kardashians have become notorious for over the years, but Kanye West isn't the least bit qualified to run for office. Now that the anti-politician movement continues to pick up steam, we may see more and more Washington outsiders make a bid for the White House. Currently, we have three businesspeople in the presidential race, the most notorious of which is Donald Trump. But who's to say that more entertainers won't throw their hat in the ring? From Ronald Reagan to Arnold Schwarzenegger, we've seen several ...

How optimistic are you about the economy?

December 2007 marked the start of what would become the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. At the height of said recession, the economy was hemorrhaging jobs at an unprecedented rate. Business were shuttering. Layoffs were touching virtually every industry. The situation was bleak, and it seemed like the sky was going to fall down.  Slowly but surely, we've come out of it, and now the worst appears to be behind us. Consumer confidence has rebounded in a big way, with consumers forking over big bucks on everything from dining and entertainment to cars and homes. When I conduct searches on CareerBuilder and, I see twice -- if not three times -- as many listings for jobs in my field as I saw just a few years ago. Unfortunately, though, real wage growth remains non-existent, and there are still far too many people out of work. Some people fear it might be another 5-10 years before the economy is in full swing again. Although things have improved, who...

Why being mindful is SO important in your life

I just finished reading a book called "Mindfulness" by Ellen J. Langer. While it wasn't the best psychology book I've ever read, there were a couple of key takeaways I'd like to share. First, mindfulness is the exact opposite of mindlessness , and Langer seems to suggest that most of society suffers from the latter. When you're mindful, you don't take everything at face value. You don't merely assume, for example, that a toothbrush's only function is to clean and whiten your teeth, or that a person missing an arm must be lousy at sports. Langer stresses that in order to achieve full mindfulness, we have to throw our preconceived notions, biases, and stereotypes to the wind. Most of us do seem to go through life in a rote, mindless fashion. We seldom question our own beliefs and the reasons why things around us happen as they do. She points out that because we begin discriminating against the elderly at an early age -- perhaps as a byproduct of...