We all know how easily toxic people -- with their knack for negativity and gossip -- can throw a monkey wrench into our days.
But what if we leveraged that toxicity to our benefit?
How, you ask?
There's a myriad of ways to do this. Among them are these:
1. When they say you can't accomplish something, do you let their words derail your hopes and dreams? No, you use them to further fuel your motivation to accomplish your goals. After all, who are they to judge?
2. When they criticize you for your style of dress, interests, or any other facet of your personality, do you scramble to change? No, you double down on preserving what makes you unique, which in turn will build self-confidence and boost your self-esteem.
2. When they disrespect you, whether by spewing outright lies or demeaning your character, do you turn around and do the same to them? No, you're better than that. You stand up for yourself, firmly if civilly, without hurling insults. This will equip you with the strength and resilience to keep your emotions in check. Remember, they're trying to push your buttons to see if they get can get you to buckle. Don't grant them their wish!
So, who would have thought these corrosive individuals can actually play a role in our process of self-improvement?
Think of this way: In order to become the best version of yourself, sometimes you need to confront the worst version of someone else. It really puts into perspective (1) how you should not treat others (2) the type of behavior you should not tolerate.