How many times have you encountered someone who's tried to push their beliefs on you, making you feel as though they'll cast you out should you dissent?
I am here to tell you one thing: You need no one's validation but your own!
Really, who says others are cool and you're not?
Who determines that your way is wrong and there's isn't?
Why should you have to defer to others on matters of style?
If society frowns upon some of your lifestyle choices simply because they're not in step with what everyone else does -- say, your decision to abstain from drinking or your reluctance to attend late-night parties -- so be it.
Be yourself! There is nothing wrong with being your most unique, individual self.
As long as you love and are being true to yourself -- and you're not hurting anyone in the process -- why should your methods be deemed incorrect?
If people feel so insecure as to consider no one else's perspective but their own, that's their problem.
Whether you prefer vegetables to meat, water to beer, staying indoors vs. going out, cats to dogs, cream-colored walls to white ones, or baseball to football, don't abandon the things you love just to conform to what society says is appropriate.
Defying social conventions and expectations is actually empowering. Rather than tethering yourself to the fad of the day, you're doing what you know in your heart represents you. You're projecting an authentic version of yourself to the world.
Are people allowed to provide suggestions and constructive feedback? Of course.
Are you obligated to act on those opinions? Nope.
Just because everyone is watching a certain show or buying a particular car doesn't mean you have to jump on the bandwagon.
It is far more satisfying to do what you enjoy -- the things that support your values -- than to base your decisions on whether they'll be socially acceptable.
Again, as long as you harbor no malice toward anyone, you should not care what others think.
Stand apart rather than blending in with the crowd. It's better to lose friends than your own identity.