There's a very thin line between being nice and allowing oneself to be a complete doormat -- a line many kind-hearted people struggle to identify.
Here are a few indicators that you probably should tone down the niceness factor just a little bit:
1. No matter how many times people let you down, you continue to issue them free passes.
All it takes is an ostensibly heart-felt apology for you to take someone back. Perhaps you're still with your boyfriend even after he cheated on you three times. Maybe you've kept in your life an old friend who has been spotted talking behind your back on a number of occasions.
It's important to recognize that saying sorry means nothing if the person repeats the very behavior they express contrition for.
2. You constantly put others' needs and wishes before your own.
One thing is to help out those who find themselves in a real bind. Another is to bend over backwards for them at the expense of your own happiness, even when their situation is not at all serious.
For example, maybe you've missed class several times so you can give your friend a ride, even though she very easily could have called for an Uber.
If you pour all of yourself into others, you'll be left with little to nothing for yourself. A life where your happiness goes by the wayside is no doubt unsustainable.
3. You allow yourself to be taken for granted because of low self-esteem or a fear of loneliness.
Some people would rather be taken advantage of than be left feeling lonely or unneeded. They convince themselves that the other person may come off as ungrateful now, but that they'll soon come around.
The irony is that you may actually end up feeling lonelier around such individuals than by dedicating time to yourself.
The bottom line: No one wishes to be mean to others (at least not anyone worth being around).
The good thing is that there's a middle ground between being a total jerk and a complete pushover.
Be polite, but firm. If you notice someone doing something inappropriate, call them out on it in a tactful manner.
If they apologize, great. But once you catch them in the act a second time, take any future apologies with a grain of salt. If such behavior becomes a pattern, you have to wonder whether their aim is to take your goodwill for granted. Needless to say, you don’t need people like that in your life.
Never make your happiness dependent upon the actions of others. Human beings, by their very nature, are mutable and unpredictable creatures.
If you refuse to find contentment in your life until/unless a given individual changes or gives you the time of day, you'll open the door to unabating disillusionment.
Happiness comes from within. Never should you allow anyone to take you for granted and trifle with your feelings. Indeed, those who truly enrich your life will recognize your value, doing the utmost to prevent situations where an apology is even warranted.