Never should you remain in a relationship with someone if you are confident you can do much better.
When I say "much better," I don't mean you ought to bolt for someone who's richer or more attractive.
No, I speak of a partner who doesn't treat you right. A person who ignores, abuses, or undervalues you.
I put up a post earlier today on my Facebook page that says, "One person's trash is another's treasure." I couldn't agree more.
Surely, you or someone you know has been treated like garbage by a significant other, only to find someone ten times more loving and appreciative later on.
Staying in a corrosive relationship is akin to remaining in a toxic, soul-sucking job: You're stagnant, not growing, and treated poorly.
No one should subject themselves to such terrible conditions.
Have some respect for yourself and pull the plug.
You're deserving of another's love and warmth. You deserve to be told romantic things, taken to nice places, and lauded for both your contributions to the relationship and your wonderful attributes.
Granted, no one is perfect. We all have flaws, and there are days even the most superlative of partners gets on our nerves.
But if you find yourself begging for your partner to show interest in or cease cheating on you, you're on a sinking ship. Get out while you still have a chance!
You can come up with all sorts of reasons for not walking away -- the kids, the money, fear of the unknown -- but nothing is worth damaging your health and well-being over.
You may hit choppy waters for a while, but it doesn't mean you can't come out in even better shape than before. In fact, I guarantee you will.
Don't let anyone get away with mistreating you. Stand up for yourself and clear the way for someone who enriches your life rather than diminishes it.
When I say "much better," I don't mean you ought to bolt for someone who's richer or more attractive.
No, I speak of a partner who doesn't treat you right. A person who ignores, abuses, or undervalues you.
I put up a post earlier today on my Facebook page that says, "One person's trash is another's treasure." I couldn't agree more.
Surely, you or someone you know has been treated like garbage by a significant other, only to find someone ten times more loving and appreciative later on.
Staying in a corrosive relationship is akin to remaining in a toxic, soul-sucking job: You're stagnant, not growing, and treated poorly.
No one should subject themselves to such terrible conditions.
Have some respect for yourself and pull the plug.
You're deserving of another's love and warmth. You deserve to be told romantic things, taken to nice places, and lauded for both your contributions to the relationship and your wonderful attributes.
Granted, no one is perfect. We all have flaws, and there are days even the most superlative of partners gets on our nerves.
But if you find yourself begging for your partner to show interest in or cease cheating on you, you're on a sinking ship. Get out while you still have a chance!
You can come up with all sorts of reasons for not walking away -- the kids, the money, fear of the unknown -- but nothing is worth damaging your health and well-being over.
You may hit choppy waters for a while, but it doesn't mean you can't come out in even better shape than before. In fact, I guarantee you will.
Don't let anyone get away with mistreating you. Stand up for yourself and clear the way for someone who enriches your life rather than diminishes it.