Fake people worry incessantly about what house, car, or clothing will make them look the best.
Real people, on the other hand, are humble. They recognize that if a person is going to judge them based on whether they own a Corolla or Benz, that person shouldn't be in their life.
Fake people alter their personality -- not to mention their values, beliefs, and attitudes -- just to appease others in a given situation.
Real people stick to their principles no matter how much they're pressured to change.
Fake people want to be loved by everyone so badly that they're willing to part with those things that make them unique.
Real people would rather be hated for who they are than loved for who they're not.
Real people know they may not always get their way, or be the most popular/admired person in the room, but they value integrity too much to sell out for others' approval.
Fake people pretend to be others become they lack self-esteem and are not comfortable in their own skin. Real people know that, at the end of the day, the only person who can validate their choices and lifestyle is the one staring back at them in the mirror.
Fake people fail don't realize that material goods don't translate into long-lasting happiness. It's the small things in life that do, from spending time with your kid at the park to reading an amazing book or eating your favorite childhood snack. Indeed, happiness can be found in the simplest of things.
While fake people may achieve more success than their more genuine peers, it's the latter who end up living far more satisfying lives.
The more you care about what people think of you, the more you're their prisoner. And the more you bend your principles to gain their acceptance, the more you lose touch with your own identity.
Be you, and be proud of it. Life isn't a content, so quit worrying about what people think and just enjoy life on your terms.