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When someone treats you like an option...

When someone treats you like you're just one of their many options, help them narrow their options by removing yourself from the equation.

Whether the woman you're after tells you that five other guys are in the running for her affections or your friend claims to already have plans every time you propose hanging out with him, you can do so much better.

You deserve better!

People make time for those who matter to them.

If you're always playing second fiddle to other people, it's plain to see where the person in question's loyalties lie.

More importantly, you should ask yourself why you're even pining for someone who appears to be in such high demand.

Is this person serious about building long-lasting relationships, or are they simply trying to stroke their ego by having several people vie for their time?

In case no one has informed them, life isn't a popularity contest.

Stringing people along is selfish and inconsiderate of others' time and feelings. The people who do it to others certainly wouldn't want it to be done to them.

If someone isn't interested in carrying on with a friendship or relationship, the right thing to do is let the other person know so that they can redirect their time toward those who truly cherish it. But making excuses only serves to give people false hope.

Here's some good news: You will in fact find yourself high up on the priority list of people who genuinely care about you, who value your time, who appreciate the myriad ways you enhance their lives. That goes for everyone from friends and relatives to romantic partners.

Don't allow others to regard you as their contingency plan or "plan B" in case plans with others fall through. You're just as deserving of their time as anyone else, though you should never feel the need to prove it. If they can't see your worth on their own, they clearly take you for granted.

Finally, if someone never seems to make time for you or, in the case of romantic relationships, appears reluctant to commit to you, you're wasting your time. Move on and wait for someone who will make excuses to be with you instead of away from you.

Remember, people can say they care, but their actions demonstrate whether they're being sincere. Loyalty cannot be faked.


Unknown said…
exactly, and clearly other people were more important to all of them all the time. either they are in south africa all the time or in ustralia or they simply have better things to do at the office or with their already in place friends.......... which makes it kinda debile trying to get there, so we have to look outside in the streets to find someone more inclined to us.
Or I remember if we put too much effort in people like Tom or Nor we just get depleted, and in the end don't even get t see them HAHAHA what a waste, if one stops, you don'T ever hear something from them.
I have other examples, but prefer not to mention. They are just up to energetically starve you to death and hunger. Most probably because they already have people in place and don't need you, so they won't back down an inch, knowing you are in the shit position. This goes on for a few years, until the desire to leave is so overwhelming that you kinda don't enjoy anything in this moron city, where all is ruled by the mafia anyways. That's the people who own everything, they own all the buildings, they own all the people, and they rule them via tricks, with internet, with mobile phones, with contracts, with sentences.
Moral of the story, Fred stays alone for a decade, and is painted as the evil person.
And all others are wonderful people who "just" do their job, and have not messed with anybody at all

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