Ironically, people who show off think they're enhancing their appeal. Little do they know they look foolish in many people's eyes, losing their respect in the process.
I once read the following quote online:
"Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress."
I have no problem with a person making accomplishments known that might otherwise go overlooked.
But a line can be crossed if one does not exercise some forbearance.
For example, do you really have to announce to the Facebook world that you made a hefty donation or are on your way to the dealership to purchase a luxury car?
There's a clear difference between mentioning your achievements or material possessions humbly and matter-of-factly, and bragging about them to everyone, no matter the context.
Show-offs don't realize that they can command others' respect without having to wave their goodies in their faces.
If anything, boasting unwittingly projects insecurity. It communicates that such individuals rely heavily on others' approval to feel good about themselves. (Is it any wonder that so many people on Facebook yearn for others to Like their incessant status updates?)
I find myself far more endeared to those who let their efforts do the talking for them. Unfortunately, show-offs feel driven to call attention to almost every little thing they do or have.
In such a loud, chaotic world we live in, there's a lot to be said for modesty and quiet confidence.